Downsizing for the Future: Furnishing Your Home for Today and Years to Come.

If you’ve been dreaming of buying a new home but find yourself unable to move for the next couple of years, it can feel like a strange limbo. Perhaps your youngest child is still in high school, or life circumstances (aging parents?) have tethered you to your current home longer than you’d prefer. Trust me, […]
How you feel starts with how you live.

And yes, that includes your physical surroundings. In the next few blogposts, I’ll be taking a look at how living spaces can delight and awaken our senses. What better place to start than with the visual impact that greets us as we walk into the room? What We See Design engages and stimulates our perceptions […]
Good Porches Make Good Neighbors

I’m an early riser and love to spend my summer mornings on my front porch with a cup of coffee. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for this space – particularly during Covid – it’s become my quiet haven. (aka secret hiding space) If you’re planning to add a front porch to your house […]
When life throws you curveballs…knock it out of the park!
When my husband and I bought our home 20+ years ago, it was just perfect for our two kids and us. Little did we know that our family (many years later) would multiply! Our third child arrived eleven years after our first. We also welcomed another permanent resident—my mother-in-law. Bringing a new family member into […]
Whatever Happens in Vegas…

In a few short weeks we will be attending the National Kitchen and Bath Show in Las Vegas. Over six hundred companies will be showcasing their wares at this industry’s largest trade show. Designers, architects and contractors will gather to learn about the latest innovative products, technology, design and trends. One of the featured […]
The numbers don’t lie

Nineteen percent of US households now have more than one adult generation living under the same roof. That percentage is rising and is equivalent to the 1950’s. #multigenerational Why are these numbers on the rise? These statistics will help to understand the surprising uptick: The average cost per year of Assisted Living in the Northeast […]