Entries by tfiori

Enhancing Interior Design with what we feel: A Sensory Journey

In the realm of interior design there’s no question about it, aesthetics take center stage. But when you incorporate intentionally diverse elements, your space becomes a showstopper right in front of your very eyes. Our recent blogposts have touched on how deliberate design helps to awaken and delight the senses. Today I’ll be taking a […]

The Sound and the Fiori

As we continue to explore how living spaces can delight and awaken our senses, this post will focus on something that is often overlooked in design – SOUND. (Click for What We See post) What We Hear As a designer I’m particularly tuned in to sound because my husband suffers from an inner ear disease […]

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How you feel starts with how you live.

And yes, that includes your physical surroundings. In the next few blogposts, I’ll be taking a look at how living spaces can delight and awaken our senses. What better place to start than with the visual impact that greets us as we walk into the room? What We See Design engages and stimulates our perceptions […]

High Point Fall Market 2023

The intention of this blogpost is to create a “less than two minute read” as I recap my most recent trip to High Point Market! This twice a year event is open to designers and retailers and showcases over 2,000 vendors. Please enjoy these highlights! P Interested in creating a cozy and inviting space in […]

The Wine Room Before & After

Welcome to the Lower Level! We warmly refer to it as the “Lower Level” because it’s no longer just a basement. Our client’s request for a wine tasting room served as the catalyst for our creative inspiration, which took the form of a barrel top. This choice holds profound significance, as it originally belonged to […]

High Point Market Recap

This past April I attended my tenth High Point Market.  My first “Market” was in 2012 when another designer asked if I wanted to join her –  she told me:  “it will change your business”. And she was right. High Point Market is the largest home furnishings trade show for retailers and design firms in […]

Looking back at 2022

“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards” – Soren Kierkegaard This post is a look back at this past year. It’s a reminder to pause and celebrate our accomplishments. Thank you to all our clients who made this a fulfilling year. We started off the year with a quote in […]


We made the cover!

We are excited to share that Fiori Interior Design’s recent award winning design has made the COVER of Morris Essex Health & Life magazine!  Woo Hoo!  Read the article here: https://issuu.com/wainscotmedia/docs/msx_octnov22_issuu Thank you so much to this amazing client for allowing us to share this project and placing their trust in us for over the […]

Top Trends for Kitchens in 2022: Part Two

Today’s blog posts expands on what the interior design industry has noted as what is “trending” in kitchens this past year. As I mentioned in Part One, I am happy to report that many of these “trends” can be found on many of our projects from several years back! Please note that all photos that […]

Top Kitchen Trends for 2022: Part One

The kitchen has always been the heart of the home, so it should come as no surprise that, according to the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA), 20 – 40% of renovated kitchens are increasing in size. As a longstanding member of the NKBA, to maintain my certification, I am required to take twenty hours […]

Award Winning Designs

I’m thrilled to share that this past June Fiori Interior Design won two awards from New Jersey Chapter of The American Society of Interior Designers! Our first award was in the category of Single Spaces for our Primary Bedroom project. Our clients requested a calming retreat and we feel that we accomplished this task! Incorporating […]

The latest on interior design

Just when we thought the design world would calm down after 2021, it turns out that 2022 is busier than ever! Because of this, my #1 advice to anyone looking to start a project this year – or next: plan, plan and plan ahead!  I know, I know, planning ahead may not be the most […]

​​3 Ways We Begin Our Projects

At Fiori Interior Design, we pride ourselves on designing homes that speak to the heart of every client. When we begin any new design, we ask our clients to show us objects that are meaningful to them. Oftentimes, these objects become our springboard into inspiring design. Here are three unique ways we have begun a […]

Before and After

Looking back at these “before” photos reminded us that the most important part of a design is not always the furnishings and objects that we bring to a project. Some of our most successful projects are ones that start with our client’s collections. For this Bergen County project, our clients wanted to keep their sentimental […]

Create a Unique V.I.B.E.™

Four Ways to Create a V.I.B.E.™ in Your Home We believe that every home should speak to our hearts — this means including those familial touches, heirloom pieces and hues that make you happy – objects that are meaningful to you and your family. Simply put, your home’s interior design should capture a V.I.B.E.™ (Vibrant, […]

Before and After

The project below is one that we completed last year. Once again, looking at “before” photos reminds us of the transformation that is possible! Enjoy! Ta da!

Plan Now, Enjoy Later!

3 Top Reasons Why We Need (now more than ever) to Plan Ahead! And just like that January 2022 is behind us.  Although the future looks different for everyone, it’s been repeatedly proven that planning can help us cope with unforeseeable hardships in a healthy and stress-free way. Whether you’re planning to become an empty nester […]