​​3 Ways We Begin Our Projects

At Fiori Interior Design, we pride ourselves on designing homes that speak to the heart of every client. When we begin any new design, we ask our clients to show us objects that are meaningful to them. Oftentimes, these objects become our springboard into inspiring design. Here are three unique ways we have begun a […]

Before and After

Looking back at these “before” photos reminded us that the most important part of a design is not always the furnishings and objects that we bring to a project. Some of our most successful projects are ones that start with our client’s collections. For this Bergen County project, our clients wanted to keep their sentimental […]

Create a Unique V.I.B.E.™

Four Ways to Create a V.I.B.E.™ in Your Home We believe that every home should speak to our hearts — this means including those familial touches, heirloom pieces and hues that make you happy – objects that are meaningful to you and your family. Simply put, your home’s interior design should capture a V.I.B.E.™ (Vibrant, […]

Plan Now, Enjoy Later!

3 Top Reasons Why We Need (now more than ever) to Plan Ahead! And just like that January 2022 is behind us.  Although the future looks different for everyone, it’s been repeatedly proven that planning can help us cope with unforeseeable hardships in a healthy and stress-free way. Whether you’re planning to become an empty nester […]

Counting down to the New Year!

Welcome to Fiori Interior Design’s Countdown to the New Year! We are excited for the holiday season and look forward to spreading joy and cheer with those around us. Because who can’t use a little of that? For those last minute shoppers (ahem, like us) we wanted to share a few local shops, artisans, and […]

Before and After

As was the case with several of our projects in 2020, this particular project began just prior to Covid, then picked back up again after a six month hiatus. We needed to take the steps that would ensure that our client – as well as our trades – were kept safe during this redesign. Protocols […]