Non Slip Tile Treatment!

We recently discovered a product called Stone Grip Non-Slip Tile Treatment that promises to “dramatically increase traction and improve safety on slippery floors even when wet.” According to the product

The numbers don’t lie

Nineteen percent of US households now have more than one adult generation living under the same roof.   That percentage is rising and is equivalent to the 1950’s.   #multigenerational Why are

Connecting to Art

I love when clients have artwork that serves as the inspiration for a space. Most often they are sharing a piece of their unique story. It becomes more challenging when

How to determine a budget

I’ve been designing homes for almost twenty years.  In all those years, can you guess how many clients come to us knowing exactly what their budget is? The answer is

The Future of Real Estate: Boomers

According to the US Census, the number of households with three generations under one roof and at least one member the age of 65 and over has grown from 1.7

The Future of Real Estate

“The Future of Home” design seminar took place last week in NYC. It was a great experience. One of the most interesting talks was given by Zillow and Curbed entitled

Statistics to focus on the positive

A Wall Street Journal article cited statistics from The United States of Aging Survey – adults 60 and older were asked to identify their biggest concern about aging: 40% said

How we designed it…

We started with measuring and drafting up a basic scaled floor plan.  Our client already had the majority of what she needed for the space, so our job was to

Our favorite Kitchen and Bath “forever” trend

Last year at the National Kitchen and Bath show there was one feature that stood out to us that we’re using in all of our designs: Lighting…everywhere. This “simple” feature