Gravitating to Sunlight

I can sometimes tolerate a room without windows on a dreary day but on a sunny day… it’s unbearable!  People tend to gravitate to the areas of their homes that provide them with the most sunlight and the best views. Why?  Because research repeatedly proves that natural light is healing. Stress levels decrease and mental energy is replenished in spaces that […]

Harvey Cedars, New Jersey Beach House

Harvey Cedars, New Jersey Beach House I have a habit of redesigning homes in my head.  So when my good friend, who happens to be a realtor, showed me this amazing home on Long Beach Island in Harvey Cedars, these images appeared in my head. Starting with the dining area, I envisioned a classic round Saarinen tulip table surrounded by […]

Quality over Quantity

I faithfully read the Wall Street Journal.   Surprisingly (or NOT…)  I typically don’t read the financial section but a bold headline in a recent wealth management report caught my eye. It read… “The Best Financial Advice I Ever Got”..  Manisha Thakor, VP of Financial well-being at wealth-management firm Brighton Jones quoted her grandfather who said: “buy few, but […]

How does your home tell your story?

Several weeks ago we spent the weekend  in Philadelphia.  The hotel’s restaurant, The Urban Farmer,  has such a cool vibe that I had to check out its back story.  “The Urban Farmer backdrop is warm and elegant, yet quaint and rustic visually telling the life-story of the hardworking, country farmer who marries the cosmopolitan art-collector. The result is […]