Nineteen percent of US households now have more than one adult generation living under the same roof. That percentage is rising and is equivalent to the 1950’s. #multigenerational
Why are these numbers on the rise? These statistics will help to understand the surprising uptick:
- The average cost per year of Assisted Living in the Northeast is currently a whopping $120,000/year.
- Student debt has risen to $1.4 trillion for US college graduates according to the Federal Reserve.
- Annual child care costs $24,000 in NYC is (DC and Massachusetts is even higher)
With these statistics, It’s no wonder that multigenerational households are on the rise.
As an interior designer and Certified Aging in Place Specialist, the question I’m often asked is: How do I differentiate designing for families with young children versus ones that share a home with an aging parent?
My answer: It’s a very similar approach. Parents with toddlers know of the many difficulties of pushing a stroller into a home. Children of older parents know that those steps leading into a home could one day prevent wheelchair access.
I’m very familiar with these situations because I live in a multi generational household. My husband and I renovated our home so that his mother could live with us after his dad passed. Our renovation made our home more “livable” and gave us each our necessary privacy. Fourteen years later this arrangement still works.
If you are thinking of renovating, there’s so much more you can do to accommodate all ages, and allow you to remain in your home. Our free guide offers a wealth of information so that you can live in your “Future Home”: Sign up now to download this indispensable guide.