Q & A, unscripted




For this Valentine’s Day post, I’m sharing one thing that I love (beautiful hotel design) and one thing I don’t love. (myself on video). This is the first of what I hope to be many videos entitled “unscripted”.  It’s about all things design.  If there are any design-related questions you’d like to ask me, please reach out to info@fioriinteriordesign.com!  Have a room you’re struggling with?  Send it to me and I’ll try to answer it in a blog post!


Much of my work is inspired by hotel design.  Beautifully designed hotels – whether they’re eclectic or refined – draw a crowd that appreciates how a well designed space can make you feel.  So why not bring that same feeling home, creating a space that offers everyday luxury and comfort?


Here are my top ten Hotel Design crushes in New York City.

(click on the links)

The Warren Street Hotel

The Whitby Hotel

Crosby Street Hotel

The Walker Hotel Greenwich Village

The Fifth Avenue Hotel

The Greenwich Hotel

The Morgans Hotel

The James New York Nomad

Hudson Central Park

The Meridien New York Central Park (formerly known as the Viceroy)


And now here’s the reveal of my first video series: Q&A: