Design Principal #4: Designing for Wellness: Visual & Sensory Elements

Design Principal #4: Designing for Wellness: Visual & Sensory Elements Can art help people connect? Research says yes. One organization recently examined how its institutional art collection affected their employee’s mood and performance. It was discovered that the staff garnered a connection to their work place. The artwork promoted social interactions, evoked emotional responses and facilitated personal […]
Design Principle #3 of Designing for Wellness: Spatial Planning.

In this month’s newsletter, we’re discussing the third installment of our six design principles: Spatial Planning. A client recently asked us to re-design their large sized family room. Seating in the current layout consisted of only a sectional and a recliner. In our questionnaire we uncovered the fact that the wife usually found herself reading […]
Our Second Principal of Design: Color

Research has proven that certain colors will elicit certain emotions. But…there are so many variables involved when specifying color.One of the first questions we always ask our clients is “How do you want to feel in your space?” We start by grouping colors as Cool versus Warm: Cool colors are purples, blues and green – We […]
Lighting for Boomers

I recently read a statistic that said the highest population of baby boomers live in Califorina. It should really comes as no surprise. As we age, we naturally yearn for more natural sunlight…simply because it makes us feel better. So, if you don’t live on the West Coast, here are a few easy […]
Thoughts on Natural Lighting

I can sometimes tolerate a room without windows on a dreary day but on a sunny day… it’s unbearable! Most people tend to gravitate to the areas of their homes that provide them with the most sunlight and the best views. Why? Because it’s been repeatedly proven that natural light is healing – stress levels decrease and mental […]
Art is how we decorate space; music is how we decorate time

“Art is how we decorate space; music is how we decorate time”. Photo Sourced from I saw this quote online and it really resonated with me. My kids are always amazed at how I can remember the year and exactly where I was whenever we hear a song from the 80’s or 90’s. One […]