Five ways to create an energizing guest room

Our goal for any space we are designing is that it becomes a place where you will gravitate. Here are our top five (simple yet effective) wellness tips for creating a space that is bound to make your guests want to stay longer. 1. Inject color – How do you want to feel in this […]
5 ways to adapt basic blueprints to Livable Design

Are you thinking of building a second home? Not just another home but one with subtle nuances that will accommodate your family into the future? We call adding these inconspicuous refinements “livable design details”. Proactive design that enhances and welcomes every generation. A “simple” first step is to find a house plan (or blueprints) that […]
Research has proven that certain colors will elicit certain emotions. But…there are so many variables involved when specifying color. One of the first questions we always ask our clients is “How do you want to feel in your space?” We start by grouping colors as Cool versus Warm: Cool colors are purples, blues and green – We […]
The Healing Effects of Light: Wellness Principal #1

The Healing Effects of Light: Wellness Principal #1 Until I started designing spaces for other people I didn’t realize that I had actually been “studying” design my entire life. I was raised in a household where my mother wasn’t always healthy. Many days I’d come home from school and find her sitting in our living room—the […]
Eco-Friendly Manufacturers

We’re showcasing a few of our favorite manufacturers that are eco-friend. Choosing manufactures that are members of the Sustainable Furnishings Council means that they incorporate eco-friendly practices. For example, the majority of Vanguard’s cushions include a mix of duck feathers and down, which are all natural by-products…plus more than 80% of their coils used are […]
Fiori Interior Design is now a Green Accredited Professional

Photo courtesy of Galbraith & Paul This month’s Wellnotes reveals that Fiori Interior Design is now a Green Accredited Professional in eco-friendly furnishings! This certification is granted by the Sustainable Furnishings Council, “a coalition of manufacturers, retailers and designers dedicated to raising awareness of environmentally sustainable practices across the home furnishings industry.” As a company, we are always striving […]